Ave Maria - Hail Mary, By John Grden, Drawing, Audio

by John Grden
Buy the Original Drawing
Not Specified
24.000 x 18.000 x 0.010 inches
This original drawing is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Mary's Baywood Gallery secure checkout system. Please contact the gallery directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Ave Maria - Hail Mary, By John Grden, Drawing, Audio
John Grden
Drawing - Drawing
The Original "Drawing" in color on white multi-media fine art Italian Paper in the original size of 18 x24 inches, (horizonal), and is available to purchase at our website of 22 years, BaywoodGallery.com Our two domains, this one BaywoodArtGallery.com and BaywoodGallery.com are almost identical in spelling, except for the word "Art" in the middle. If you are not already on “Bag”, our acronym for our website inside Pixels, a division of fineartamerica, please open another browser and go there to view our art in a website setting. You can purchase here on fineartmerica, but the menus are designed for searching and we may be lost in your search.
“Ave Maria”, ‘Hail Mary’ is the most important part of the Rosary and the Fatima Prayers. When we say the Rosary, each word, as we repeat them many times, resonate and bring our requests into focus. Most often it is while we say the Rosary, that we can completely feel at peace. It is said by non-Catholics as well because they understand the intentions and the meaning of the words. Many think that we ‘Pray’ to ‘Mary’, but as the words say, “Holy Mary, Mother of God”, ‘Pray for us.’ It is the word, “us”, that allows, all of us, to consider and care about ourselves and others, in prayer, for the living and the deceased. We ask Mary to intercede for us in heaven knowing she is very close to God. Many prayers to Mary ask that we be "shown the fruit of thy womb, Jesus" and that we be shown the promises of Christ, each to take place at our death.
My name is John Grden and I taught myself how to speak the words of my favorite prayers in Latin, and then write them in my style of Calligraphy. I have many wonderful memories of my life in devotion to our Lord, Jesus Christ, and I will be sharing the favorite prayers. The 'audio' is available for all, downloadable, and free with or without a purchase. Hear John’s voice recite this prayer in Latin at: BaywoodGallery.com (tap banner) or use this: https://baywoodgallery.com/latin-prayers-by-john-grden/
The Latin and English translations are printed below. Each line coincides with the other translation, punctuation marks and the tempo of the words.
Ave Maria - Latin
Ave Maria, gratia plena,
Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.
Hail Mary - English
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with you.
Blessed are thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
We are resuming the printing of “standard sized prints”, from our other site, BaywoodGallery.com near the end of August, 2022. Mary will be printing my prints and hers. You will be able to choose the size you need and take your print with its cellophane cover to a favorite hobby or department store to fine the perfect frame. You can join our blog on BaywoodGallery.com to be notified when things change too.
Look for my many drawings of whimsical animals doing human tasks and some landmark settings, in different collections. My name is John Grden, of BaywoodArtGallery.com (our artist website here) and our family website BaywoodGallery.com where my ‘audio recordings’ can be heard in Latin.
Watermarks that appear in the lower right corner of my fine art images are there to help deter theft of Fine Art. (see below about Copyright). Copyrights or Watermarks will be removed before printing. I issue Certificates of Authenticity on my prints Open and Limited-Edition Series. Please contact me after your purchase. All my work is Copyright Protected, John Grden, Artist under United States, and International Law. Reproduction of my work in anyway without first, obtaining written permission from me is prohibited. “My websites” my name and my Art, "are all as one, and one in the same."
June 12th, 2022