Prints- Red Door at Panagia Paraportiani-prints and original

by Mary Grden
Buy the Original Painting
Not Specified
12.000 x 18.000 x 2.000 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Mary's Baywood Gallery secure checkout system. Please contact the gallery directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Prints- Red Door at Panagia Paraportiani-prints and original
Mary Grden
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Panagia means the "Virgin Mary" and Paraportiani translates to ‘’standing next to the entrance door.” One English translation names the whitewashed church as “Our Lady of the Side Gate.” In any case it is well known that the church consists of five churches. The churches were built on top or next to the others. There are four different architectural styles involved including Byzantine vernacular, traditional and western styles starting centuries ago in medieval time forward with the last renovations ceasing in 1920.
When we stopped and wandered around the church on our travel to Mykonos we also toured the town historical marine museum, they told us that when the church first started it was a very seafaring and fishing oriented island. Fisherman would brave storms and when it seemed they would not return, they would pray to God for a save return. Giving thanks to God, they would build a church praising God. It explains why the beauty of the five churches and the mixture of styles created a simple, clay-like structure, known the world over.
The Original Oil Painting, “Santorini View", is available for purchased and can be viewed with extra images, enlarging portions of the Originals at BaywoodGallery.com There you can see images of the curved gallery wrap canvas, designed and cut for assemblage by the Artist and then hand stretched prior to Painting. It is further described below for Prints too.
I am a “realist” painter, not a photo-realistic painter. I regard myself as a self-imposed “Representational Realist.” “I only represent, reality, God makes everything, perfectly real.” “Painting for me is much like writing is to an author, once the Paint is put to the Canvas many more than one, can enjoy viewing the Original and finding a Print.”
ABOUT: BAYWOODARTGALLERY.COM (“BAG”) is our website, here, on fineartamerica. See all my art and soon John’s in one search “BAG" is the acronym for my Gallery. (please open a new browser, type or copy as you see it above) The title will be in “blue letters.” Fineartamerica gave us their platform inside our website here to showcase our Art in “One” search showing ALL items our art is printed on. Some items are not available on the standard search pages. Original Works are not sold on “BAG”……………..but see below.
BONUS IMAGES OF DETAILS AND ORIGINAL WORKS ARE AT: BAYWOODGALLERY.COM (without the word “ART”) is our website of 23 years. Enlargements of details and interest for every Original and Print are there. Toggling between the two sites is worth to open browsers! Mary’s ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS and soon, John’s ORIGINAL DRAWINGS AND CALLIGRAPHY PRAYERS will be on BaywoodGallery.com along with John’s 3-D Brass Sculptures, Pens, and Leather Goods.
If you are choosing paper, for wall art and it is to be framed under glass I recommend what I print on, Watercolor Paper. I also print on Canvas, with the same, clear, results. The other surfaces, like Metal and Acrylic make great choices for areas with high moisture like kitchens and baths too. Hanging any Art in direct sunlight is not recommended.
We issue signed Certificates of Authenticity, on all wall-art, here, so you will have evidence you bought a print authorized by the Artist. Contact us here on “BAG” after your purchase arrives.
COPYRIGHT PROTECTED: All work of Mary Grden and John Grden, respectively, are protected under United States and International Law. Our Websites; our names and our Art are all as one, and one in the same, respectively. WATERMARKS: are reminders about “copyright” laws and will be removed for all purchases.
May 31st, 2020
Comments (23)

Lois Bryan
A wonderful, light filled beauty!!!! I had the great good fortune to visit Mykonos and other islands in Greece and must tell you how much I love the way you've captured the vibrant light and color of this wonderful country!!!! I must say I saw the Panagia too ... but missed this particular gem of an angle and view!!! Lovely work!!!! l/f t
Mary Grden replied:
Thank you for sharing your time on the islands and your comments are so welcomed!!!!: D