SANTORINI DWELLINGS Original View-Prints of my Oil Paintings

by Mary Grden
SANTORINI DWELLINGS Original View-Prints of my Oil Paintings
Mary Grden
Painting - Oil On Canvas
"Santorini Dwellings" is an oil painting painted from a very high perspective. This view is above this lone Windmill situated in, Oia, at one end of Santorini Island. Oia, although a small part of the island, looks grand and large, the way I saw it that day. The detail is how I remember the village. The buildings are very white against the blue waters of the Aegean Sea. The sunsets are what bring in visitors in the late afternoon to view from the cliffs or from a boat. The windmills here, and those on the Island of Mykonos were used for milling flour before most of them became"dwellings", like the one I painted here. The caldera was formed after the eruption of the volcano centuries ago. Contact me if you need larger sizes.
If you think you are seeing double its because I have two different sized prints next to each other's listing. One is the original "taller" view and the other is the slightly "wider" view.
God gave me my talent and I don’t say that lightly. I only use the term “self-taught” because
I had no formal training. I knew early on, 45 years ago that simply asking with love for our creator, I learned what I did not know. Books were examples, but painting is from within. I love creating shadows for all elements; the sides of a building to oppose the front; steps, cracks, and crevices, telling us if the sun is to rise or set. Being a “Realist,” allows us to study what we see and paint it with a realistic view with, “perspective,” like an open window, door, winding paths, steps, water and so much more. Composition can be difficult to perceive, but to many it comes naturally, as it did for me." To Bookmark or Pin my domains leading here inside Faa. Website
Inside Faa, (pixels) is BaywoodArtGallery.com or MarysBaywoodArtGallery.com
Buy my art and products from Faa, “Domains” listed ABOVE or take out the word “Art” and see my Originals Oils and Specialty Prints with the domains BELOW:
BaywoodGallery.com is where I sell my Original Oil on my handmade wood frames behind the hand-stretched canvases. Pin or Bookmark BaywoodGallery.com or MarysBaywoodGallery.com or MaryGrden.com --- all of these domains lead to the same website.
CURRENTLY I have several larger photographic prints that are over 30 years old in archival storage that I will list, at BaywoodGallery.com where I sell my Original Oil Paintings. A few are limited editions. If you see an image here, that you like, contact me to see if I have that one in the archived prints.
Fine Art tip: If you are purchasing a paper print I recommend Watercolor Paper, as It is smooth and proven to give you the best viewing of my art. It should be hung out of direct sunlight and framed under glass or plexiglass which is the same for fine art and digital works. I make smaller flat canvas and watercolor paper prints at my “Originals” site (late October 2024)
All my work is COPYRIGHTED as well as my “specialty prints” that I make, and those sold here, having given permission to fineartamerica. To receive a Certificate of Authenticity on a print purchased here at fineartamerica, please contact when the 30-day return policy expires and I will send it postage paid. (I do not have access to your address or name on fineartamerica). Certificates can protect you and your investment and of course, my Art and me, against theft. If someone asks, you can say who the artist was and show them the proof. Watermarks are removed prior to shipping.
May 24th, 2020
Comments (101)

Carol Japp
This is definitely one of my favourite works of yours Mary. I love all the layers and the great depth to the piece. Just fantastic work! Stunning!

MaryJane Sesto
You are such a wonderful Artist, Mary, love all the detail in all your works! L/F
Mary Grden replied:
My brushes almost went to sleep on me with all the detail, but it's fun too, Thank You!!!!

Mary Grden
Thank you so much Dora, your kindness and generosity toward my art and me is so appreciated. Being featured is always a special joy for me, thank you!!! :D

Loredana Gallo Migliorini
Mary, I am always amazed to admire your professionalism and ability to oil paint your amazing works of art! You are incredibly talented and your perspectives of these extraordinary places are stunning. Congratulations on everything and on being on the featured pages in A Woman's Touch. I wish I could paint like you can. Hi lory

Claudia Moeckel
wonderful painting
Mary Grden replied:
Thank you so much Claudia, I took a look at your work and it is wonderful. So nice for you to come by!!! :D

Carol Japp
Mary, this painting is absolutely gorgeous! It would add so much to any room. A truly majestic creation! l/f

Joe Vella
Brilliant painting of this iconic scene. L/F
Mary Grden replied:
Thank you Joe, I love the word "brilliant" while you are referring to my Art!!!!! :D

Jerome Stumphauzer
Ah, the location for the film "Summer Lovers"! Well done! Jerome
Mary Grden replied:
Thank you Jerome, Love your comments, and taking the time to view my work!!!! :D