Welcome to Mary Grden's Baywood Gallery at BAYWOODGALLERY.COM I have owned this domain name for twenty years and use it for my Pixels Artist Website, a division of fineartamerica. This is a print-on-demand site where you can purchase Wall Art Prints, Home Decor, Lifestyle and many more items depicting my prints made from my oil painting images. BAYWOODARTGALLERY.COM is where I show and sell my Original Oil Painting, notice the word "Art in the middle to distinguish from my main site here. There I also show more images of each print enlarged to show details of prints sold here.

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SUNDAY, IN MYKONOS BAY-Prints of Oil Paintings Painting by Mary Grden

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Comments (9)

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Your art is beautiful and inspiring!

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you to a great artist !!! :D

Carol Japp

Carol Japp

I absolutely love this piece Mary. That wee peek through the doors at the beauty that lies beyond is pure genius! Gorgeous work from a very talented lady! l/f

Mary Grden replied:

Carol you are always so uplifting and kind, thank you!!! :D

Loredana Gallo Migliorini

Loredana Gallo Migliorini

Wonderful works Mary, your skill as a painter and artist is astounding!!! Sending you my warmest regards! L/FAV lory

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Lory, always love your comments!:D

Joe Vella

Joe Vella

Beautiful artwork, Mary.

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Joe, so nice!!! :D

Georgia Mizuleva

Georgia Mizuleva


Mary Grden replied:

Georgia, thank you for always saying those wonderful words!!!! :D



Fabulous work as always, Mary. Love the texture on those walls!

Mary Grden replied:

Carolina, such a nice comment, thank you!!! :D

Linda Howes

Linda Howes

Another great sneak peak Mary! love the water and reflections! l/f

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Linda, I get to visit you tomorrow and see what you are up to!!! :D

Michael May

Michael May

Beautiful, I'm loving your door series!

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Michael, some new ones this week hopefully, and I will be seeing yours too!!! :D

L A Feldstein

L A Feldstein

Beautiful work, love the view through the open door

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SUNDAY, IN MYKONOS BAY-Prints of Oil Paintings by Mary Grden
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