Welcome to Mary Grden's Baywood Gallery at BAYWOODGALLERY.COM I have owned this domain name for twenty years and use it for my Pixels Artist Website, a division of fineartamerica. This is a print-on-demand site where you can purchase Wall Art Prints, Home Decor, Lifestyle and many more items depicting my prints made from my oil painting images. BAYWOODARTGALLERY.COM is where I show and sell my Original Oil Painting, notice the word "Art in the middle to distinguish from my main site here. There I also show more images of each print enlarged to show details of prints sold here.

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SUNNY SANTORINI, prints of oil painting Painting by Mary Grden

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Comments (60)

Linda Howes

Linda Howes

I love everything here, from the colors of the water, to the flowers to the sunlight and shadow Sharon!! You are awesome my friend! l/f

Kathy M Krause

Kathy M Krause

Mary, what a gorgeous and serene scenic memory of your visit to Santorini! It looks so tranquil there! Fantastic details, colors, light, textures, shadows and inviting stairs and open windows! Love the gorgeous flowers and the flock of birds in that beautiful sky! Thank you for the fantastic description! Wow! LF

Mary Grden replied:

Kathy, love all your words and your description of my Art, so lovely of you, thank you!!! :D

Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson

Your work on Santorini makes me feel as if I have been there!

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Andrew!!!

Hanne Lore Koehler

Hanne Lore Koehler

Magnificent Santorini painting, Mary! Lovely sunlight, shadows and architectural shapes! L/F

Mary Grden replied:

Hanne, thank you so much for your always, kind comments and your support!!! :D

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

So beautiful! :)

Mary Grden replied:

Johanna, thank you so much!!!! :D

Linda Howes

Linda Howes

More delight to view! Sunny, warm and wonderful Mary! l/f

Mary Grden replied:

Linda, thank you for all your kind comments, I read them all and appreciate them so much!!!

Susanna Schorr

Susanna Schorr

Wonderful atmosphere! Fantastic painting!

Mary Grden replied:

Susanna, I have been seeing your art everywhere and your Pixels site is wonderful, love the layout and ALL your work!!!! :D

Denise Harty

Denise Harty

Beautifully painted! L/F

Mary Grden replied:

Denise, thank you for stopping by and your wonderful comment!!! :D L/F

MaryJane Sesto

MaryJane Sesto

Another wonderful work of Art, Mary, gorgeous! L/F

Mary Grden replied:

MaryJane, you always will be there saying nice things and I about your winning Photography, but is all so nice to hear!!!!

Marilyn DeBlock

Marilyn DeBlock

A gorgeous work of art, Mary! Congrats on your features! Well deserved!

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Marilyn for the "congrats, and your comments, so nice!!! :D

Sunny Franson

Sunny Franson

Wonderful colors and movement! l/f

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Sunny, for your kind comment and L/F

Hartmut Jager

Hartmut Jager

🌼 Yes as Gary said: 'Awesome artwork!' - It is so full of Magical Light ! - A Magnificent Painting ! - A Gold-Cup Winner ! - 🏆 -

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Awesome artwork! F/L

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Gary, always so kind, thank you!!!! :D

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Inez thank you so very much for featuring my oil painting and love your notation under your group "Fine Art Apparel - Artist", so wonderful!!!! :D

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Great compliment from a wonderful painter, thank you, Marsha!!!!

Marsha Reeves

Marsha Reeves

The stark sculptural forms and the blue and white colors are gorgeous! l/f

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Marsha, always like your comments!!! :D

Veikko Suikkanen

Veikko Suikkanen

So beautiful painting Mary! L

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Veikko, for your great comments!!

VIVA Anderson

VIVA Anderson

Mary, you are a Truly gifted fine Artist, and a wonderful Professional! I applaud you, admire you!! "" My name is Mary Grden and all of my Art is suitable for everyone, any age, for any room, or occasion. I issue signed Certificates of Authenticity mailed postage free. I am Copyright Protected under U.S. and International Law. " Kudos, fav, VIVA

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Viva, your comments are so welcomed!!! :D

Michael May

Michael May

Absolutely amazing Mary, beautiful work!

Mary Grden replied:

Michael, as always your comments mean so much thank you!!! :D

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Mary, gorgeous work of art - amazing location. f/l

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Cindy, and for your generous comments

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta


Mary Grden replied:

Your words should be mine for my interest in your most versatile art!!! :D

Stephen Thomas

Stephen Thomas

Beautiful picture!

Mary Grden replied:

Stephen, thank you for stopping by and for the great comment!!!! :D

Sharon Williams Eng

Sharon Williams Eng

You taught yourself well (I read you are self taught). Your work is exquisite.

Mary Grden replied:

Sharon, thank you so much !!!! :D

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SUNNY SANTORINI, prints of oil painting by Mary Grden
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