THE LIGHT OF CHRIST - a poem of Advent

by Mary Grden
THE LIGHT OF CHRIST - a poem of Advent
Mary Grden
Painting - Photograph
This poem was written by Artist and Oil Painter Mary Grden as a entry into a liturgical poem contest. My husband referred me to a Catholic Literary Arts contest that was asking for entries for Advent. It's not important whether I won or not, what is important is that during the six hours it took for me to write, with no prior training in "prose", I literally felt the Holy Spirit guiding my hands to write this poem. My message in doing this and listing it, is that in some way, I encourage anyone, anywhere, to embark on writing about our Lord. I started with this poem about the birth of our Lord, and Advent during his journey to be born and especially his first day on Earth.
The words to "The Light of Christ" are written below if your device cannot project them.
“The Light of Christ”
A poem for Advent
by Mary Grden
Mary’s days and precious years before,
Held in her heart divine.
From her conception, a joyous child.
Archangel Gabriel would come to find,
Our Immaculate Mary excited to receive,
The greatest gift of all time.
Received from God, the Holy Spirit,
She would give birth to a Holy Child.
His name would be Jesus, a man,
Like us, but all the while,
He walked among us as the Son of God,
To hear his name, all would smile.
Mary as his mother, the Mother of God,
Joy and wonderment would follow her.
Mary and Joseph journeyed to Bethlehem,
A very long way with no room to stay.
Joseph looked for a place simple and calm,
A little manger he did find.
Some wrote about his birth in Psalms.
All who came to gift the King, were kind.
The wait is over our sight is restored.
The “Light of Christ” is distant and far,
It is in the East, It’s the brightest “Star.”
As bright and as far as you could see,
As it was in the beginning, is now,
And ever shall be.
Our Savior is born!!
A child already a Savior for all,
In prayer, a light for the lost,
Say his name he will answer your call.
The “light is in us” together we always will be,
All can obtain gifts of Baptism,
Reconciliation and So, you can see,
It’s God’s forgiveness that leads to eternity.
“The light of Christ”, Jesus Christ!!!
This original poem and what you see here was completed by me with my own photos of my Nativity and with computer along with one, wonderful letter "M" hand drawn by John, my husband, who is also an artist.
Look, soon, for his recent writings, "Prayers in Latin" where he shows all of his hand-drawn and translated words of prayer that will be available in prints and maybe a few lifestyle and decor items.
December 15th, 2020
Comments (13)

Johanna Hurmerinta
So very beautiful!
Mary Grden replied:
Johanna, so happy you like it, I am doing a brighter background soon, thank you!!!! :D L/F

James Lloyd
Beautiful poem and artwork, Mary. l/f
Mary Grden replied:
Thank You James, come back for a rework in a brighter background, your visit and words mean so much to me!!! :D

Amalia Suruceanu
I loved this work of art the first time I saw it, and today, seems I love it more! So deep senses... Congratulations!