Welcome to Mary Grden's Baywood Gallery at BAYWOODGALLERY.COM I have owned this domain name for twenty years and use it for my Pixels Artist Website, a division of fineartamerica. This is a print-on-demand site where you can purchase Wall Art Prints, Home Decor, Lifestyle and many more items depicting my prints made from my oil painting images. BAYWOODARTGALLERY.COM is where I show and sell my Original Oil Painting, notice the word "Art in the middle to distinguish from my main site here. There I also show more images of each print enlarged to show details of prints sold here.

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THE LIGHT OF JESUS CHRIST -view 2 of 4 -Prints-Decor-More Painting by Mary Grden

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Comments (16)

Rebecca Grzenda

Rebecca Grzenda

An uplifting piece for today and throughout the year!! Lovely work, Mary!!! Happy Easter!!

Mary Grden replied:

I love all of the compliments I receive on this painting/print and when I read them, it fills me with joy!!!!! Your sentiment is lovely, thank you so much, belated as it is "Happy Easter" to you too Rebecca :D

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Lovely! LF

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Johanna for your thoughts and stopping by!!! :D

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Brian, Thank you for your comments, they are so very well received and noted,

Brian Tada

Brian Tada

Love how the Cross is the focus in this magnificent painting, Mary! So beautifully done ~ inspiring work of art! Love the title, too! F/L

Dale Kauzlaric

Dale Kauzlaric

Mary, this takes your eyes right on the path! l/f

Mary Grden replied:

Dale, your comment is wonderful!!!! :D

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you Carol for your comment and "fave"

Carol Japp

Carol Japp

Really lovely work Mary!

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you so much Carol and as always love hearing your compliments!!!! :D

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you, Joe

Joe Vella

Joe Vella

Gorgeous work Mary. Wonderful detail. L/F

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you Athari, it's the detail that I love doing, but my paintings are usually a good size and up close they are not perfect.

Athari Candy

Athari Candy

I love your work and the way you care about every detail !

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you Amalia, you always say the best comments

Veikko Suikkanen

Veikko Suikkanen

Magnificent painting Mary! L

Mary Grden replied:

Veikko, sorry for the delay in thanking you. Your comments are so meaningful and welcomed, Thank you!!!! :D

Amalia Suruceanu

Amalia Suruceanu

You are the master of details! Love this!

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you Georgia for your comment, very much appreciated

Georgia Mizuleva

Georgia Mizuleva


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THE LIGHT OF JESUS CHRIST -view 2 of 4 -Prints-Decor-More by Mary Grden
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