THE LIGHT OF JESUS CHRIST -view 2 of 4 -Prints-Decor-More

by Mary Grden
THE LIGHT OF JESUS CHRIST -view 2 of 4 -Prints-Decor-More
Mary Grden
Painting - Oil On Canvas
This is a separate Print available as "view 2 of 4", of the original oil painting, named: "The Light of Jesus Christ." I have created three additional views or portions of the original painting (Print) for additional Wall Prints, so they may fit many sized rooms and items of Decor like Pillows and other smaller items. Vertical or taller images are sometimes harder to fit on wider surfaces, but I can usually format them to fit pleasingly. Choose or mix and match, Pillows, Duvets, gifts from any listing. I just started, so it may take some time, but if you have an idea, let me know what you are thinking and maybe we will come up with a very special idea of your own. The Original Print listing will contain my original inspiration or description of the Original Oil Painting. If you need help, contact me I am delighted to help you and no extra fee is attached to do so.
Thank you for finding us on fineartamerica while searching for Art or a product it is printed on. Each premium artist is given a full website, on Pixels inside fineartamerica. It looks the same as the searching pages of fineartamerica but if you use the menu’s on fineartamerica you may not know that you have moved off of our landing page. We are Mary Grden and John Grden, and our website is inside Pixels with our own domain name of BaywoodArtGallery.com it is a complete link if typed or copied and you will see ALL our work printed on more than 25 products including seven different styles of wall-art. Some of Mary’s prints are very large, but can also be printed, very small. Use the menus on BaywoodArtGallery.com and you will stay on our site while searching our Art. Bookmark, or to help remember it, think of this acronym: “BAG.”
Mary’s Original Oil Paintings and John’s Prayers, Sketches and Drawings are shown and sold on our other website with almost the same name, BaywoodGallery.com (without the word, “Art”, in its name). There, you may want to keep two browsers open to toggle back and forth seeing prints on BaywoodArtGallery.com and more images of the same prints on BaywoodGallery.com (type or copy into a browser)
I am a self-taught Artist who began painting forty years ago in a form of Realism. “Oil painting is to me, much like writing is to an author, once the painting is complete many more than one can enjoy. Teaching yourself everything can be a long road, and what a journey to learn with God’s blessing every step of the way. The measure of success is the love or the passion you have for what you do and without it, an Artist can lose their way.” “I mix all my colors, rarely taking them straight from the tube, and create shadows for all elements like the sides of a buildings to oppose the front telling us if the sun is to rise or set. Perspective is enhanced with many color values as well, allowing us to see the realistic view of an open window, door, winding paths, steps, water and so much more. Composition can be difficult to perceive, and I am grateful that it came to me naturally.” I am self-taught in archival printing, website design and maintenance.
Our last name would be “garden” but our “garden” does not have an apple or “a.” “Grden” is said. ‘Grrrden .’ All our work is Copyright Protected, Mary Grden and John Grden, respectively, Artist under United States and International Law. Reproduction of our work in anyway without first, obtaining written permission from Mary Grden or John Grden, respectively, is prohibited. “Our websites; our names and our Art are all as one, and one in the same, respectively.
Watermarks that appear in the lower right corner of my fine art images are there to help deter theft of Fine Art. (see below about Copyright). It will be removed before printing. We will issue Certificates of Authenticity on our prints Open and Limited-Edition Series, if requested after purchased.
August 2nd, 2020
Comments (16)

Rebecca Grzenda
An uplifting piece for today and throughout the year!! Lovely work, Mary!!! Happy Easter!!
Mary Grden replied:
I love all of the compliments I receive on this painting/print and when I read them, it fills me with joy!!!!! Your sentiment is lovely, thank you so much, belated as it is "Happy Easter" to you too Rebecca :D

Brian Tada
Love how the Cross is the focus in this magnificent painting, Mary! So beautifully done ~ inspiring work of art! Love the title, too! F/L

Mary Grden
Thank you Athari, it's the detail that I love doing, but my paintings are usually a good size and up close they are not perfect.

Veikko Suikkanen
Magnificent painting Mary! L
Mary Grden replied:
Veikko, sorry for the delay in thanking you. Your comments are so meaningful and welcomed, Thank you!!!! :D