Welcome to Mary Grden's Baywood Gallery at BAYWOODGALLERY.COM I have owned this domain name for twenty years and use it for my Pixels Artist Website, a division of fineartamerica. This is a print-on-demand site where you can purchase Wall Art Prints, Home Decor, Lifestyle and many more items depicting my prints made from my oil painting images. BAYWOODARTGALLERY.COM is where I show and sell my Original Oil Painting, notice the word "Art in the middle to distinguish from my main site here. There I also show more images of each print enlarged to show details of prints sold here.

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THE OLD CANAL -prints of oil painting Painting by Mary Grden

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Comments (36)

Brian Tada

Brian Tada

Awesome colors, lighting and details in this absolutely splendid portrait, Mary! What a stunning work of art! F/L

Dale Kauzlaric

Dale Kauzlaric

Mary, what an intricate painting, great piece of art!

Robyn King

Robyn King

Fabulous :-)!

Hanne Lore Koehler

Hanne Lore Koehler

Magnificent painting, Mary! Fantastic colors, sunlight and shadows! Wonderful details and reflections in this masterful artistic composition! L/F

MaryJane Sesto

MaryJane Sesto

Another work of Art, Mary, congratulations on all your wonderful Artwork! L/F

Mary Grden replied:

MaryJane, thank you for all you say about my work and this one is special too!!! :D

Ajay Harit

Ajay Harit

Amazing work of art Mary

Mary Grden replied:

Ajay, thank you so much for your comment, so appreciated!!!! :D

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Dora, I am pleased to be in your group who features my Oil Paintings, thank you!!! :D

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Brooks, I love being Featured in your Group, but I also love being among other artist and their works. It's a gift you have and you give it so well. Thank You!!! :D

Michael May

Michael May


Mary Grden replied:

Michael, I am in love with that "word", could you say that again sometime, wonderful!!! :D

Carol Japp

Carol Japp

This is truly an incredible piece Mary. All those wonderful fine details and beautiful colours. Just an amazing work, so very well done! Gorgeous as always!

Mary Grden replied:

Carol your comments are always wonderful too!!! :D L/F

Jan Fijolek

Jan Fijolek

And another masterpiece, Mary. I love it ;)

Mary Grden replied:

Thank you Jan, for your great words!!!! :D

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Fantastic art work!

Mary Grden replied:

Johanna, thank you for always stopping by and saying wonderful words!!!! :D

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you so much L A, and how you see everything, it makes an artist feel as though her painting confirming my intent!!! :D

L A Feldstein

L A Feldstein

Beautiful work -- composition, detail, the reflections in the water, contrast of light and dark. Love the bricks and the railing in front.

Mary Grden replied:

LA thank you for your kind comments and informative too; spoken as a great artist yourself!!! :D

John Malone

John Malone

Congratulations! Your skillful and interesting painting has been FEATURED on our Homepage!

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Joe, thank you for the "fave" of my oil painting!!!

Joe Vella

Joe Vella

Beautiful painting of this canal scene. L/F

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you Carol

Carol Japp

Carol Japp

Wonderful work Mary, this is just perfect!!!

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you Hanne

Hanne Lore Koehler

Hanne Lore Koehler

Magnificent painting of this fantastic canal scene, Mary! Beautiful colors and composition! L/F

Mary Grden

Mary Grden

Thank you Stephen, love those photos of cherries. You are a great photographer!!

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THE OLD CANAL -prints of oil painting by Mary Grden
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